magix help with adverts on my own site.who do i ask.

Former user wrote on 7/24/2013, 9:45 AM

i need some help and i do not know who to contact at magix. i have started my own website and its all about m.i.d.i. files and 100 percent free downloads. i am trying to advertise to MAGIX users mainly. it is free to all none user aswell. i would like to know who do i need to contact at magix to advertise there software. can you please advise? the adverts are pictures of magix software products FOR WHICH I MAKE "NO" PROFIT. i just need to know if im allowed to do this or do i need permission and if so who do ask or write to about this. if you can help i will really appreciate it. thank you from alan.





gandjcarr wrote on 7/24/2013, 2:17 PM

Hi Alan,

You probably need to contact Magix legal to get permission to advertise Magix products on your site.  My thoughts are that even though you are a Magix fan, they are not likely to give your permission to use the logo, or anything other than providing a link to the Magix site if even that.  You need to understand that companies are very protective about the use of their intellectual property, trade marks, logos, etc.  especially when the lawyers get involved.

If I were you, I would walk away from advertisement for Magix products and just tell people what you use to create your amazing compositions.  If you want to be really nice to Magix, provide a link to their site and leave it at that.

Company legal departments are very focused on their brand, their image, etc.  and since they don't know you they have no idea what you might say or do with their company image.

Just let this one go, and focus on your creativity, building your site, and doing the best that you can to help others download the midi files that you have created.


cpc000cpc wrote on 7/24/2013, 6:58 PM


If my memory (Ha!) serves me right, I've seen a Magix page with a selection of their company logos which were to be used as is, no modifications, in your productions. The intent was, as George suggests, simply to say"... what you used to create your amazing composition." This was in reference to movies but I'd assume would apply also to other types of projects. Where, oh where? ...

