I had this with previous version of magix. I have purchesd MMM Premium 2023 and it looks as if I have to purchase double bass synth again. is this correct? Its not showing up in my profile so that I can download it again
Logged in and checked downloads. Not there and nor is Saxaphonia. Another one I bought through magix. I am dissapointed with the latest magix I bought for £ 59. Its a stipped version. Vita only gives piano. I dont like their drum synth or beat thingy. Doesnt have much to offer. Its a 64 bit Magix premium but I would consider getting a win 7 or 8 laptop so I can use MMM 16 as before
@herc Have you installed your previous version of Music Maker? You should be able to unlock the instruments from Music Maker 2015 up until 2022 by entering the serial numbers into Music Maker 2023. Music Maker 16 will probably not work because it is a very old version. This means you need to install it separately. All Vita Instruments you bought directly from Magix in the past (before the in-app-store was a thing) need to added to your user account by the customer service at infoservice@magix.net to be listed as acquired in the store.