Magix audio cleaninglab 2005 delux

geoange wrote on 2/9/2012, 8:33 AM

Hi Please can you help?.

I have 2 requests.

  The first is :- I have had the above for a number of years and found it GREAT.

I have upgraded to lab 15 on my desk top but would like to use the 2005 on my laptop running VISTA,

I have loaded it on the laptop but it dose not work, I would like to keep using it as there are elements on it that i like which are not on lab 15.

can you tell me how to fix it please.


The Seconed is :- I want to upgrade my desktop to windows 7, after doing so can i just load lab 15 on to it and use it , or do i need to look for updates.

Yours Most thankfully. George Smith.


Procyon wrote on 2/9/2012, 11:48 AM

"I have loaded it on the laptop but it dose not work"

But, have you completely UNINSTALLED ACL-2005 from your desktop?  MAGIX will not allow you to have it installed and running on both machines at the same time.

Second...ACL-15 was not designed to be run on Windows 7.  There may be issues, assuming it will run at all.

Have you considered a dual-boot system on your desktop computer?  Then, you can have two operating systems to run newer and legacy software (but, not at the same time).

I've had a few MAGIX programs since 2005, and I've NEVER experienced an "update" on any of them....ever!

geoange wrote on 2/11/2012, 9:50 AM

Hi, Procyon.

Many thanks for your advice, the duel boot is worth a consideration.

Many thanks .