MAC Download???

DeeJay-Kava wrote on 12/30/2022, 4:47 PM

I had SoundForge since 2014, my last update was in 2017. SoundForge has been crashing unexpectedly and now that I installed my Yeti Blue mic it has been crashing during recordings so I upgraded to SoundForge 16 but it gave me the Windows version. Is there a MAC download? If not I will need to request a refund.




SP. wrote on 12/30/2022, 5:00 PM

@DeeJay-Kava Please try to contact sales support at for a refund.

The last MacOS version of Sound Forge Pro doesn't run on MacOS Catalina or newer versions of MacOS. Development was stopped years ago. Magix doesn't have a dedicated development team for Apple systems and it wasn't worth the effort.

I'm pretty sure you already use the latest version. It might help to reset the program settings under the File > Settings menu, if this is available in the MacOS version.