
SP. wrote on 3/18/2022, 5:49 PM

@peter-c4044 Which version are you using? Maybe it's missing in SF Audio Studio but included in SF Pro.

peter-c4044 wrote on 3/18/2022, 6:38 PM

Sound Forge Pro, full version. Can't find it to save my life and no mention of it in the Help file.

peter-c4044 wrote on 3/19/2022, 2:04 PM

FOUND IT!! Loudness meter V2. Would be nice if this were more obvious. How about having "Loudness visualization" in the help file?!

rraud wrote on 3/20/2022, 4:34 PM

You can also measure the loudness and dB factors with the 'Statistics' tool, which is much faster than real-time integrated factors (most important), if the program is more than a few seconds. The statistics dB and LU data can also be copied and pasted to a text document to accompany your b'cast submissions.

peter-c4044 wrote on 3/20/2022, 8:30 PM

Saw that immediately. Took a while to find the much advertised but little explained location of the loudness visualization feature. This needs too be added to the help file so users can find it.