Lost registration details - update (thank you to two replies - BUT...)

Jeremy-Denton wrote on 11/29/2023, 2:49 AM
Although I have purchased two versions of Web Designer (16 and 19) they are both marked as "Trial" even though they have been registered. Sadly there seems to be no other information on the Magix website. Under My Products this is what I see. No links, no other info so I am now completely stuck! Any help would be appreciated... My products You have registered the following MAGIX products. Xara Web Designer (16) Trial Registration date: 02/29/2020 Xara Web Designer Premium (16) Trial Registration date: 11/28/2023 If one of your MAGIX products should be missing, you can use the "Register a product" button to add it.


SP. wrote on 11/29/2023, 3:02 AM

@Jeremy-Denton There are two possibilities. You've registered it under a different e-mail or you bought it from Xara instead?

I suggest you contact customer service at infoservice@magix.net and ask them if they can find your account.