Loops Unlimited help

TJStiltz wrote on 6/17/2022, 5:57 PM


So I purchased an annual subscription of Loops Unlimited in March or April of 2021. I was really into attempting to crank out jams using this software for a while, but life and my work got in the way. I've also changed debit cards since then.

I recently got the urge to create music again, but I'm having trouble renewing my subscription for Loops Unlimited. My software is acting like I still have it purchased, despite it no longer showing up as a subscription. On the other hand, the product definitely knows my subscription isn't active, as any soundpool that I downloaded using it is not available. I'm not sure how to remedy this.


SP. wrote on 6/17/2022, 10:23 PM

@TJStiltz I think you should open the program settings in and click on the button to clean up the store. This will delete the old cache of the store. You can also try to re-scan all your Soundpools.

A Loops Unlimited subscription automatically re-news itself if you don't cancel it. Since you probably disabled the card connected as a payment method it couldn't do that. So it's possible that a new purchase is blocked and you need to contact sales support at infoservice@magix.net and ask them for assistance.

TJStiltz wrote on 7/8/2022, 6:32 PM



I tried doing this, but it still acts like the product is still purchased. The changing of my debit card is more than likely the culprit of why I'm stuck in limbo right now with this. But I'd really much rather change my subscription from the pricier annual option to the cheaper monthly option anyway.

SP. wrote on 7/8/2022, 7:22 PM

@TJStiltz Then you need to contact sales support. This is just a user forum and we are all users like you and cannot do anything about your situation.

TJStiltz wrote on 7/8/2022, 9:51 PM

I've definitely already sent them an email but didn't see any harm covering as many bases as possible first.