[MM2023 v31.0.0.10 Premium]
[System: i5-9500T, 16GB ram, intel UHD graphics, Win10]
I had SongMaker generate a piece, based on the Drones&Textures genre. There were 13 - 14 tracks, 3 of which were the "Darkside" loop. It's an Fx loop in the Ambient-Meditation soundpool (Darkside1).
I was hearing occasional glitches when playing back the piece. I narrowed it down to the 3 Darkside tracks (everything muted except these 3 tracks). By "glitches" I mean things like apparent dropouts, strange tones that didn't belong. These glitch effects were random -- each time I played back the piece, they'd be at different time points. If I muted 2 of the 3, there were no glitches.
These 3 tracks are all the exact same loop. I've wondered if it might be a timing issue? But if I do extreme magnification, the time markers seem to line up. Does anybody have a suggestion/explanation for what's happening here?