
Aussie-Elly wrote on 11/9/2009, 5:54 AM

Could you please be a little more precise what you would like to do?! Do you want to export your media player or just link it to an other website? Generally, you may place links on every object of your Website Maker website.


Aussie-Elly wrote on 11/9/2009, 10:35 AM
Hi again

I am not 100 % sure but I think that option 1 is not possible that easily.
What you could do is to export your player. To do so, please click on your media player on your website maker user interface, go to the "characteristics-manager" (I hope that this is the right word in English, as I am using the German version) that opens as soon as you click on your player. Then go to "settings" and there choose "export". When you click on "exporting object" you will be instructed exactly how to do.

I think that as soon as you have included your video player to your external website, you may also put a link on your player on your website maker website - just copy the website-address (of your external website) of your browser address-bar and insert it in the input box that opens when you choose linking.

Is this understandable???

