I have been having a lot of fun with MMM2020 since I purchased it a few months ago. I hit the limit of what I could do with loops and decided to get a Novation Launchkey Mini MK3, having read that MIDI controllers typically work well enough with MMM2020.
The trouble I'm having is that neither the QWERTY keyboard or the MIDI controller is producing any live/preview sounds whenever I press the keys. It records fine, no issues there, although I see the lack of note markings live as pretty lackluster.
I've been through as many tutorial videos and forum posts as I can find on the internet, changed all my settings from direct sound, to ASIO and WASAPI, changed the MIDI input and output devices around to all the different settings, and even tested in Ableton, where it performed beautifully, giving live previews and recording just fine.
I don't want to have to switch to ableton just to get live midi previews, because I'm genuinely enjoying MMM2020, so is anyone able to help? Are note previews even a thing? I'm sure I've seen a tutorial video where the video maker was playing notes and having sound feedback without having to record.
Here is a picture of my settings, as well as an example of the midi controller actually recording to midi track in channel 1.
I'm using windows 10, latest update as of 14 April 2020 and a Novation Launchkey Mini MK3 updated to latest firmware using components.