Latest Problem With 8.0.7/b233 (x64)

mellotronworker wrote on 1/13/2019, 4:16 AM

This is just getting silly now.

If I drag and drop an audio file onto Acid PRO inside a folder the program fails to respond and (usually) crashes. If I drag it outside the folder and then move it to the folder then all is well. If I drag it into a folder then (if I am lucky) Acid doesn't crash but neither does it register the dropped file. If I am less fortunate it simply crashes flat out, after the usual white screen of imminent death.

(And what's the story with the big coloured blocks at the bottom of the screen?)

On the lucky few occasions I have managed to try and intercept this through Windows task manager I see Acid is consuming a massive and increasing amount of RAM. (Last time I checked it was eating up 3Gb RAM on a track with three 5 min WAV files on it!)

When in the name of pity are we getting a new release?


Sean-Weyers wrote on 1/13/2019, 6:25 AM

Good luck on that new release. They released ONE patch since April for a program that basically doesn't work. Have you thought about Ableton Live?


mellotronworker wrote on 1/13/2019, 9:19 AM

Ableton Live is £350.

Does it open ACD projects? No.

Why can they not just make this product work?

Will-Kenworthy wrote on 1/13/2019, 5:27 PM

First of all it's not fair to say the program doesn't work. It does. I use it 2 or 3 times per week. It's my idea pad. It does crash occasionally, but usually due to my own stupidity.

Second when you move something to or from a folder, even outside of Acid you will need to refresh the explorer inside Acid. That's why it looks like it isn't registering. It is. There is an icon on the top row of the explorer that "refreshes" the view. If you will click this after moving a folder or file, or adding something, again even outside of Acid, as long as it's open, you will have to refresh it. This is well known behavior of the program. Since version 1, I believe.

Also I tried what you described, moving files within folders, or around folders, and I could not make Acid crash on my system. Maybe I'm not doing exactly what you did, I don't know. I tried everything I could think of, but then I might unconsciously be doing some worked out maneuver. Anything is possible.

I suggest that you make a video of this behavior, if you can, and post it below. Then I will follow what it is you are having a problem with and see if I can get it to repeat that problem on my system. Maybe we can figure it out. At least we can get the message back to the powers that be .....

You might also include a little bit more info. Did you have plugins open at the time? If so which ones? 90% of the time when Acid crashes it has to do with a plugin or VSTi. Incidentally that problem will be solved by Microsoft shortly, If you have WIN 10. With an upcoming update to WIN 10. They're updating the C++ run-time thread process and we will no longer be "hitting a wall" of capability when it comes to plugin usage. You can read about it here:



mellotronworker wrote on 1/13/2019, 5:53 PM

First of all it's not fair to say the program doesn't work. It does. I use it 2 or 3 times per week. It's my idea pad. It does crash occasionally, but usually due to my own stupidity.

It's completely fair. I use it weekly as well and still cannot predict what will make it crash or when.

Second when you move something to or from a folder, even outside of Acid you will need to refresh the explorer inside Acid. That's why it looks like it isn't registering. It is.

Sorry, but that is outright baloney. Since as long as I can remember using Acid, you drop a file into Acid and it registers right away without having to manually refresh anything. You can refresh it if you like, but you don't have to. (Aside from the fact that v8 does automatically register drag and dropped files - see later - every version I've had since v3 has done this)

This is well known behavior of the program. Since version 1, I believe.

Can we have a show of hands on this to see how 'well known' this is?

Also I tried what you described, moving files within folders, or around folders, and I could not make Acid crash on my system. Maybe I'm not doing exactly what you did, I don't know. I tried everything I could think of, but then I might unconsciously be doing some worked out maneuver. Anything is possible.

Well, that clearly is not what I said, or what I described: I drop a WAV file into a folder in Acid and I get the white screen of impending doom. If I drop it outside a folder (ie, into the 'top level' of the tracks I have) then it's fine and it registers right away as expected, and not per your 'well known behavior' as mentioned previously. If I get the white screen then either Acid manages to claw its way back without the file appearing in the track layout, or it dies on its fragile arse.

You might also include a little bit more info. Did you have plugins open at the time?

Oh come on. This sounds like the dreary excuse from Microsoft circa the halcyon days of MS-DOS which, when asked why programs crashed running on it, came back with the following:

- Are you running this on IBM or Compaq hardware?

- No...

- Then it's your hardware and we cannot help you.

Sure you can blame it on the plug-ins, but you can also list all the myriad problems others have listed here and perhaps question just what the problem is and where. And maybe throw into that the question of why v7 didn't have a tenth of the issues that v8 does. Still the plug-ins, you reckon?