Latency MMM 15 XXL?

joaocruz wrote on 6/15/2009, 9:47 AM
A Portuguese (of course!...). My english is poor but y try...
I have MMM 15 premium XXL and when y play the notes in my USB-port the sound of the notes only appears some microseconds latter. My out is a Motu and it don't happens when y play the sound loops of the soundpools! It seems horryble whith the metronomer!!!
Can you help me???


ralftaro wrote on 6/17/2009, 11:29 AM
Hi there,

Please make sure to use the ASIO driver model for the operation of the software, as it's especially designed to prevent latency problems in audio applications: Bring up the "Playback parameters" dialogue by pressing the "P" button. Select ASIO as your driver model and then the ASIO drivers of your sound hardware (if existent and installed) or the generic "Magix Low Latency" driver from the ASIO device drop-down list. Alternatively, you can try and use the generic ASIO drivers from in conjunction with Creative sound cards, which a lot of the time are unfortunately not provided with their own sufficient ASIO drivers. Another good generic ASIO driver would be ASIO4ALL (

You can configure and optimise your system for audio usage in order to further cut down on latency time. If you need help with this, you can find various online resources that focus on this topic (e.g.

I hope this helps.

Singey wrote on 7/4/2009, 4:03 AM
I'm having this exact problem recording voice (as well as dozens of other problems with MM15, but that's another question(s). I tried to reset the driver to Magix Low Latency but every time I do it (tried 3 times) I get the blue screen and have to crash.

I am REALLY unimpressed with MM15 and the Magix online help. Started out very excited about the new version but after upgrading to Premium I don't think I'm ever going to be able to use it.
Singey wrote on 7/4/2009, 4:23 AM
PS I have tried to install the ASIO4ALL driver but when I switch to it in playback I can no longer hear the tracks through my headphones, nor can I record any
sound. Any advice gratefully received!