KEYboard to PC Magix music maker 17 premium

Jeremyfouquet wrote on 2/22/2014, 6:14 PM

I have a yamaha psr-e423 and I want to play music into my magix music maker 17 premium so I can make a song. 

I have a usb chord

I have changed my settings on keyboard to pc mode

My computer made a sound and recognized that I plugged something in but it doesnt show up anywhere..  Just want to record a song..  As far as the instrumets go, I dont care if it uses my keys or sounds from the magix files.


Former user wrote on 2/22/2014, 7:02 PM

The sound your coomputer made....was it a happy sound or more like a fart, like..."oh crap, what is he doing now ?"OK ,OK, just Magix, hit the P key...oprns program settings, go to Audio and look at your options and see if your keyboarad is there but not activaated....if so, activate it  otherwise Nihon has posted a tutorial that you should view on this very subject.

Procyon wrote on 2/23/2014, 8:39 PM

Thank you for providing the proper, and necessary, information this time.

Using a USB cord, you can only play the virtual instruments in MMM using your keyboard as a MIDI controller.

BTW....You could have simply added the required information to your original post by editing it.  There was no need to start another post on the same topic.