Just Bought MM16

SHADOWfactor wrote on 4/21/2010, 1:08 AM

It's slick and all----but how in the heck do you upload VST instruments/plugins?  I see no option for "plugin path" or anything.  I come from MM11 DeLuxe, which is actually still on my system and apparently the dominant program. Every Magix file opens with MM11 whether it was created in MM16 or not. Quirky.
Do I need to upgrade to MM16 PREMIUM to upload plugins, like Philharmonic and CronoX?
Eager to get back to making music. Any help is appreciated.


Procyon wrote on 4/21/2010, 9:31 AM

With this issue, most people would open the program they want to use first...and then open the file(s) they want to use.  Just be aware that projects created in MM-11 may not function properly in MM-16.

To load a VST plug-in, simply copy the folder that contains the plug-in's .DLL file over to MMM's "Synth" folder, which contains all of the other synth objects.

To find the "synth" folder, first open MMM.  Go to File > Settings > Program Settings OR simply hit the 'Y' key.

Click on the "Folders" tab.  Click on the button towards the bottom labeled, "Add VST plug-in path...".

This will show you the path to your synth folder.

After loading the VST plug-in and opening MMM again, a new synth object will appear in the Synthesizer tab and the other instrument menu's. Effects plug-in's will appear in the VST effects list on the mixer.

Procyon wrote on 4/23/2010, 5:24 PM
You're right.  That particular button may be missing because you are using the basic version.

However, assuming you DO have the "Synth" folder somewhere on your hard drive, you should be able to load other VST instruments as I have described.