HI i have 3 pictures that i want to fade over each other. But how i can make it happen so, that as second picture fades up, the first before it doesnt fade down? It must be some setting thing, but i havent found it yet.
If you want the first picture to still be "on screen" but, presumably, behind the second, and hence hidden by it, you will need to place each picture on a separate track. Each will need to be exactly the same size (or one of the earlier ones will show as a "halo" around a later one.) You will need to place each photo at a suitable time on the timeline so that e.g. the first picture is placed at position 00:00, the second at 00:05 (thus the first picture will show for five seconds before the second begins to appear.) If you want this second to "fade in", choose this option for that second picture.
Couple of things to mention (assuming you've understood the above - not a reflection on your ability but rather on my rather poor explanation): picture 1 will need to go on Track 1, picture 2 on Track 2, etc., because MEP/VPX reads the higher number tracks as being the "currently most important". And, if you really do want all three pictures to be present (but two hidden) you will need to drag the picture objects on the timeline so that they are all the same length.
OTOH, if what you are asking is simply for a fade-in without the earlier one fading out, still follow my method above but just don't worry about ensuring each picture object is the "same length"; as long as the second starts before the first ends (and the third before the second) it should all work as you want.
Or does the crossfade do what you want as shown in this image
and looks like this
Jeff's suggestion looks like this on the timeline - as you can see I have chopped the image once the next one has reached full fade up - and this is the effect
BTW - I can see no difference in the final results
I have first pic at track one, then second at track two, third at track three.
But still, as the second picture fade up is full done, the first track first pic fades away.
Its like it does crossfade, even the first picture at track one, should stay visible and the second
track picture just comes over it, without that the first pic fades away. like layers, hmm i hope its right word.
the pictures are same length, separate tracks.
i am using movie edit pro 16 plus....can it be so that it doesnt have tha kind of capability?
In which case, if I've understood you correctly and what you want is for all three pictures to be "visible" on screen at the same time, effectively overlaid on each other, you will need to adapt the first part of my original post, by altering the transparency of each picture such that the "lowest" picture (highest number track) has greater transparency than the one above it, which in turn will have greater transparency than the one on Track 1!
So, picture on track 1 has no tranparency (in other words it appears as a "solid" picture); picture on track 2 has some tranparency set (at a level that allows track 1 picture to "show through"); picture on track 3 has greater transparency, so allowing pictures on tracks 1 and 2 to be seen through it.
Hope that makes sense!
I just "tested" this in Video Pro X5 (I'm pretty sure you can do the same in MEP): placed a picture on each of tracks 1, 2 and 3. Selected the picture on track 3, went to Effects>Video Effects>Chroma Key and reduced the "Video Level" setting to about 1/3rd of its full setting. I then went to track 2, followed the same procedure but this time reduced the "Video Level" to about 2/3rds of its full setting. I could then "see" all three pictures on screen.
There is no need to open the mixer to fade down the picture track as you can do this directly in the timeline by dragging down the handle in the middle of the picture track clip just as though you were dragging down the volume handle. But yes, the mixer is designed to fade any track - video or audio, as you have found.
John's observation about the second scenario he tried looking the same as the first (ie crossfade) I guess makes sense.The clip above does not need to be faded down because this is taken care of by the way that MEP tracks below block the tracks above as they get more opaque.
For a more complex dynamic fade / mix effect over the length of the clip(s) you can apply the "Video Effects> Chroma Key > Mix" effect to the clips and adjust the video level slider (in the Chroma Key effect tab) to different levels set as keyframes along the timeline.
Tip: - to keep the overall brightness at normal after changing the video mix level on one clip - "Copy the effect curve" (arrow drop down in the KF controller next to "Video Level") and paste it onto the other clip then - arrow dropdown > Edit effects curve > Mirror about centreline