Hi everyone. This is a two-pronged post.
FIRST ISSUE: So after my computer crashed and lost all my website files, I decided to grab a brand new template and start from scratch. I'm using a PC laptop with Windows 10. I downloaded Xara Web Designer Premium 365 (which is apparently v.19) and chose "Jewelry Online Shop" from the "Modern Business Websites" in the Online Content Gallery. It looked great, modern and sleek, and I was excited to start customizing it for my skincare business. I got on great until I got to the widget on the second page, which is entitled "online shop". I had assumed the template would have placeholders for individual products, and buttons that I could link to a payment platform (it's an online shop, after all). But it's just a photo widget. I switched out the first photo inside the widget for one of my products. I don't see any obvious way of creating a purchasable product link. There's also no way that I can see of switching out the placeholder ones (Yes, I dragged and dropped my photos as per the instructions. Even added the labels. But it doesn't translate to the actual web page). It looks amazing, with the professional quality photos and all, but I don't sell jewelry. I need a simple, easy to use products page where my customers can see a photo of the product and the price, read about the product, and click on an "add to cart" button. As far as I can see, this template is not an online shop. It's just a framework for nice photos. EDIT: I've attached to this post 3 screenshots: (1) inside the widget, showing my photos and text, (2) the preview page, showing nothing except a broken photo, and (3) the web page, "online shop", showing the template's original photos and one broken photo at the top left.
NEXT ISSUE: This template is supposedly equipped with RWD, meaning that it automatically creates a mobile version of the website as you create the main version. After I had done the first page, I checked the mobile version. My "About" blurb was still Lorem Ipsum. My Contact details were pasted underneath each other (one column on top of the other, so both completely illegible) and my logo was not there at all. I went into the mobile version and edited it, but then when I went back to the main version, it was all chopped about. So I can have a legible main version that makes sense, or mobile, but apparently not both.
If anyone has any answers or advice, I would be very grateful. I'm not techie at all (which is why I use a template platform) so please keep it simple. Thanks so much.