Hello everyone,
I am running Movie Edit Pro MX Plus, on my Asus laptop with:
Windows 7 64bit
Intel Quad Core 2nd Gen i7
16Gb RAM
2 x 7200 rpm hard drives (program on one, vid files on the other)
3Gb NVidia graphics card
I have imported some HD clips from my Sony video camera, and converted them down a little to 720 x 1280...
I cannot get the playback in the preview window smooth enough to work with, it is stopping constantly, for almost a second at a time, making choosing edit points almost impossible.
I have set playback to half resolution, and then quarter resolution, it doesn't help.
I have not yet added any effects...
I have only about 8 edits at the moment, and I am only trying to have 3 or 4 clips in the arranger window at the same time....
I am not running many other programs in the background...
My CPU seems to be running at less than 10%...don't see a problem there...
I have tried changing to 'Output & File Cache', and then 'No Cache'...no improvement.
I have tried turning up the audio buffers...
I have also trialled Adobe Premiere Elements, which plays back well, I just don't like the program as I am already a Magix user...
I am new to video. Does anyone know anything that will help?