Jerky Playback, tried many please?

Catxpm wrote on 3/15/2012, 12:18 AM

Hello everyone,

I am running Movie Edit Pro MX Plus, on my Asus laptop with:

Windows 7 64bit
Intel Quad Core 2nd Gen i7
16Gb RAM
2 x 7200 rpm hard drives (program on one, vid files on the other)
3Gb NVidia graphics card

I have imported some HD clips from my Sony video camera, and converted them down a little to 720 x 1280...

I cannot get the playback in the preview window smooth enough to work with, it is stopping constantly, for almost a second at a time, making choosing edit points almost impossible.

I have set playback to half resolution, and then quarter resolution, it doesn't help.

I have not yet added any effects...

I have only about 8 edits at the moment, and I am only trying to have 3 or 4 clips in the arranger window at the same time....

I am not running many other programs in the background...

My CPU seems to be running at less than 10%...don't see a problem there...

I have tried changing to 'Output & File Cache', and then 'No Cache' improvement.

I have tried turning up the audio buffers...

I have also trialled Adobe Premiere Elements, which plays back well, I just don't like the program as I am already a Magix user...

I am new to video. Does anyone know anything that will help?




JohnnyO wrote on 3/15/2012, 6:26 AM

Setting the size of Video cache to "No Cache" fixed that issue on my machine.

Give thata try. If that doesn't work try diffeent cache settings.


The Setting the size of video cache setting is available onthe Playback tab of Program Settings.


Catxpm wrote on 3/24/2012, 5:15 AM

Setting the size of Video cache to "No Cache" fixed that issue on my machine.

Give thata try. If that doesn't work try diffeent cache settings.


The Setting the size of video cache setting is available onthe Playback tab of Program Settings.


Thanks JohnnyO, I had tried that, and it didn't work...but I think I have found the problem...

My laptop has different power settings, I had unwittingly turned it off the 'High Performance' setting...turning that back on means I can now edit full HD...I am very happy!

Problem solved. Thanks for your reply.