
Former user wrote on 5/26/2014, 6:46 PM

Lets examiine your question.....Why would you want to share MMM16 with Youtube.  I don't believe te programmers at Youtube need MMM16.  You can't make an audio file......then why d id you buy MMM16 ? This is basically what MMM16 does, it makes audio files....with your help, and then these files become #1 hit singles that you can't sell unless you give a portion of you proeeds to Magix....not Youtube, Magiax. . 

Procyon wrote on 5/27/2014, 11:58 AM

What gnarly is trying to say is that your question is not clearly worded.

Yes, with version 16 soundpool you can share your work on Youtube without purchasing the Audio Pro Unlimited license from CATOOH.

You should have about 15 "free" audio conversions before you have to purchase a license to convert your projects to MP3's.  All you need to do is go to....File > Export > Audio as....MP3.  Choose a name and a bitrate and export.

The big question is...what makes you think your first project(s) are worth cluttering up Youtube?  Why don't you post them here in the "Show and Discuss" section first and ask for opinions?