Is it possible to get MMM17Premium to an even higher creative quality level?

egevad wrote on 1/31/2011, 8:54 AM

I've just downloaded MMM17Premium - it's delicious  and inspiring!


Is it possible to create a Sound Design Workstation within the MMM17Premium music creating program like this one:


It's a free download but it would be super if something like this was available within the program - it would make creating MMM-songs easier. It's as well an arpeggiator and a sampling synth.


Are there sampling possibilities and arpeggiator possibilities already within the MMM17Premium version?


Best wishes


Göran Egevad


nihon94 wrote on 1/31/2011, 10:49 AM



I think it is not wise to compare Magix Music Maker with UVI workstation. Music Maker is not DAW, if you want high quality check samplitude products by Magix.


But you can send your comments to Magix using their website so they will know what their user want right?

Did you check there are many features in Music Maker specially premium version.

Note: I hope you have fully downloaded your MMM 17 Premium.


Thank you



egevad wrote on 1/31/2011, 12:44 PM



I think it is not wise to compare Magix Music Maker with UVI workstation. Music Maker is not DAW, if you want high quality check samplitude products by Magix.


But you can send your comments to Magix using their website so they will know what their user want right?

Did you check there are many features in Music Maker specially premium version.

Note: I hope you have fully downloaded your MMM 17 Premium.


Thank you




Well, what do you call MMM17Premium if not a DAW? A musical toy? It's the best one fo me  because I work rather intuitively. I've tried ableton lite and Cubase (a light version) but  a certain procedurehas to be done  just  to get started with a project. I've tried Magix Samplitude 10 and with that one you'll have to do a lot of things just to get started.


Think the sound is OK with MMM17Premium. But I know it's not prefessional because no serious music magazine has ever or will ever write a review about it. MMM17P is an amateurs paradise and since I'm an amateur and will stay that way 'til the end of my life, it's OK with me. The ethomylogy of amatuer is "lover".


And of course I'm an amateur when it comes to "being a composer" or even a musician. But I like what I do and if others don't like - it's not a big deal. I'm doing it for the fun of it and it makes me mentally survive my otherwise rather it grey  everyday life by giving it more color. I'm not doing it to earn money. It's just a creative hobby. I get my money for my needs  through my job.


Here's the link to my stuff if interested:



Yes, I've got the full version, had the full version of 16 too.




Göran (I've chnaged the emotional dimensions in this text by using nicer words - but the contents still there - I'll keep to a more light tone in the future - thanks for pointing this out)

Procyon wrote on 1/31/2011, 3:04 PM

You would call MMM digital audio software.  MMM is not a full digital audio workstation (DAW).  Close to it,...but not quite.  It is not a toy, and many of us enjoy using it.


However, we don't know if you would be able to fully integrate UVI Workstation into MMM.   All we can say is....give it a try and let us know what happens.


Even if you cannot integrate it directly, you should still be able to transfer files between the two programs.


To my knowledge, no version of MMM has an arpeggiator.


MMM is not a "sampler" per se, but is that really necessary?  MMM can record audio and MIDI samples and can import any supported audio file type.  So, wouldn't the result be pretty much the same?  Aren't the soundpools just a libraray of samples?

Particle wrote on 1/31/2011, 7:34 PM

 Procyon and nihon94 answered well though

why this user egevad

is hot I see no point

"And of course I'm a fake when it comes to "being a composer" or even a musician. But I like what I do and if it's shit to others- it's not my problem. I'm doing it to mentally survive my otherwise rather boring everyday life as a taecher. Money is of no big interest. Got my money from my job"


We must refrain from using foul words in community I guess.


egevad wrote on 2/1/2011, 3:50 AM

You would call MMM digital audio software.  MMM is not a full digital audio workstation (DAW).  Close to it,...but not quite.  It is not a toy, and many of us enjoy using it.


However, we don't know if you would be able to fully integrate UVI Workstation into MMM.   All we can say is....give it a try and let us know what happens.


Even if you cannot integrate it directly, you should still be able to transfer files between the two programs.


To my knowledge, no version of MMM has an arpeggiator.


MMM is not a "sampler" per se, but is that really necessary?  MMM can record audio and MIDI samples and can import any supported audio file type.  So, wouldn't the result be pretty much the same?  Aren't the soundpools just a libraray of samples?


How do you define a DAW? Soundation on the net is in a serious music magazine referred to as a DAW on the net and it works quite the same as MMM - looks almost the same, using similar icons.


What's lacking to call MMM a DAW? It's easy to work with together with any other music editing program - if you can't download your work on those programs as a wav or mp file you can catch the sound with a streaming sound recorder. Perfect sound is not what I'm aiming at but iteresting ideas to dress up in tones, sounds, music.


What's inside the music - message - emotions turning up in  your mind - stories told - are to me what make music worth while listening to and primarily not a slim and perfect surface. Perfection on the surface sometimes could kill the life and heart of music. But those are my ideas concerning music.




/Algotezza (Göran)

egevad wrote on 2/1/2011, 6:16 AM

You say MMM17Premium isn't fully a DAW but that e.g. Samplitude is.


I know the  MMM-products more than the Samplitude ones - and I really don't know what makes the Sampltude a DAW but  not MMM.


If you compare the info concerning their contents and possibilities found on the Maagix site they seem rather similar.


Take a look:


Samplitude 11.5 Producer

The recording studio for your PC
Ideal for solo projects at home: record, arrange, and edit instruments or vocals. The Jam Session function even offers authentic accompaniment by a virtual band if desired.
Ideal for bands during rehearsal: thanks to the multi-track recorder, your multi-track recordings will turn out perfectly every time – this way, you can keep track of spontaneous ideas the next time your band comes together to rehearse.
Ideal for project studios: Samplitude 11.5 Producer is equipped with all the extras required for producing music on the PC: MIDI editor, mixer, audio editing, software instruments, professional effects, and much more.

New Functions
• Vita Century Keys: top-class pianos
• Vita Saxophonia: virtual saxophone with convincing sound
• Vita Jazz Drums: real jazz drum sounds
• FX Rack with many new effects presets from professional producers
• Optimized workspace: leads you through all stages of music production
• Twice as many video tutorials for a quick start into the world of music production
• Possibility of adding accompaniment when recording vocals or instruments

Magic Music Maker 17 Premium

Get started right away, no prior knowledge necessary!
MAGIX Music Maker 17 Premium offers all functions and many exclusive extras, including more than 3,500 sounds and loops from the studios of international top producers.

Step-by-step to your own song: With audio building blocks, many Premium instruments and real studio effects – your first hit is just a few clicks away!
• All musical styles
• Easy handling
• Unlimited possibilities
• Powerful extras

Get started right away, no prior knowledge necessary!
MAGIX Music Maker 17 Premium offers all functions and many exclusive extras, including more than 3,500 sounds and loops from the studios of international top producers.

Step-by-step to your own song: With audio building blocks, many Premium instruments and real studio effects – your first hit is just a few clicks away!
• All musical styles
• Easy handling
• Unlimited possibilities
• Powerful extras

Samplitude 11.5 Producer

The recording studio for your PC
Ideal for solo projects at home: record, arrange, and edit instruments or vocals. The Jam Session function even offers authentic accompaniment by a virtual band if desired.
Ideal for bands during rehearsal: thanks to the multi-track recorder, your multi-track recordings will turn out perfectly every time – this way, you can keep track of spontaneous ideas the next time your band comes together to rehearse.
Ideal for project studios: Samplitude 11.5 Producer is equipped with all the extras required for producing music on the PC: MIDI editor, mixer, audio editing, software instruments, professional effects, and much more.

New Functions
• Vita Century Keys: top-class pianos
• Vita Saxophonia: virtual saxophone with convincing sound
• Vita Jazz Drums: real jazz drum sounds
• FX Rack with many new effects presets from professional producers
• Optimized workspace: leads you through all stages of music production
• Twice as many video tutorials for a quick start into the world of music production
• Possibility of adding accompaniment when recording vocals or instruments

Magic Music Maker 17 Premium

Get started right away, no prior knowledge necessary!
MAGIX Music Maker 17 Premium offers all functions and many exclusive extras, including more than 3,500 sounds and loops from the studios of international top producers.

Step-by-step to your own song: With audio building blocks, many Premium instruments and real studio effects – your first hit is just a few clicks away!
• All musical styles
• Easy handling
• Unlimited possibilities
• Powerful extras

Get started right away, no prior knowledge necessary!
MAGIX Music Maker 17 Premium offers all functions and many exclusive extras, including more than 3,500 sounds and loops from the studios of international top producers.

Step-by-step to your own song: With audio building blocks, many Premium instruments and real studio effects – your first hit is just a few clicks away!
• All musical styles
• Easy handling
• Unlimited possibilities
• Powerful extras




I'm, just curious - what make the MMM products not complete DAW' and what  make the Samplitude products complete DAW's? The sound quality?

