Is it possible to copy the audio mixer settings to another movie within a project?

rickstonemusic wrote on 7/15/2013, 5:34 PM

I record a lot of guitar lessons in Movie Edit Pro Plus.  I'll start a new project and use an HD camera connected directly to the computer through firewire, while recording the sound with my Zoom R16.  Then I just take the SD card from the R16 and copy the audio files into my project, align the sound with the audio from the camera, and then mute the camera's audio track.  So far so good.

But I've usually recorded SEVERAL lessons worth of material.  So within the project will be a bunch of movie files into which I'll cut and paste the objects I want to use.

Trouble is, I have to setup the mixer manually (EQ, Compression, Mastering, etc.)  for EACH movie within the same project, even though I want the EXACT same mix on every one of them.

Isn't there some way to copy the setup for the whole mixer section from movie to movie?  There's got to be a better way.  What am I missing here?


BTW, if you want to see some of my videos, you can check them out here


cpc000cpc wrote on 7/15/2013, 8:49 PM


I think all you need do is save your project!

I'm no sound engineer but i just did some audio adjustments to a video track, deleted the clip, and saved the project (single movie). When I opened this project "audio_blank.MVP"  the mixer and equalizer etc settings were all there ready for adding a new clip. Seems to work as well for multi movie projects -- each movie has its own settings:

 Hope this helps,

And.. your site looks (and sounds) great. I like the plainer darker backgrounds.


rickstonemusic wrote on 7/15/2013, 11:43 PM

No, that's not it.  I'm talking about having the EXACT same mixer setup in MULTIPLE movies in the SAME project. 

When I record I create a default project which Movie Edit Pro names with today's date.  All of the movie clips are being saved to this project in the first movie file which I name ALL TAKES.  I bring in all the audio files, sync everything here, and group the audio with the video tracks.  I don't do any editing in this first movie as I want all my takes to be intact if I decide to go back and do things differently.

I then hit the "+" to create new movies within the already open project, and copy the objects that I plan to use in that movie for instance "Pentatonic Scales Part 1."   Then I create another movie within the same project and copy the objects that I'll use into that movie, for instance "Pentatonic Scales Part 2," etc.  Then I adjust video effects, mix the audio tracks and bounce each movie down to an MP4 file. 

I've been a long time user of Samplitude Studio, and it has an option to save the entire mixing board setup (plugins and all settings, levels, etc.) to a file, and then load that setup into another project.  Was hoping to find that functionality somewhere in Movie Edit Pro, but so far no luck.

Former user wrote on 7/16/2013, 6:32 AM

i recently noticed this question you put up about EQ settings.

the simple answer is NO you have to adjust everytime for every object/sound.

i have been mastering for years and magix DID have this feature on older version of mm and video editer.

for some profound and stupid reason they dont apply this rule for more updated products.

its annoying and frankly very disapointing.

i remember music maker when you you could use the eq settings and apply to ALL objects.

i have no idea why they took this away.!

AND if anyone knows how to apply the setting in mm2013 if its possible please let me know.

(former user) esoteric alan.


rickstonemusic wrote on 7/16/2013, 6:59 AM

Thanks, I get it about saving the project, but that's not going to get the mixer settings from one movie to another within the project as I keep creating new movies.

I guess I could create a default project with maybe 10 blank movie files and setup the mixer for each, and then save the project to use as a template and just fill the movies with objects as I work, but the settings aren't going to be exactly the same from day to day (you know the mic placement might vary a bit, etc.), so then I'm back to having to go in and setup the mixer for every movie.

This was not the answer I was looking for (but the one I feared).  Why on earth would they get rid of this feature?  Profoundly stupid on Magix part.  I've been an advocate of their programs for about 15 years.  This makes me sad .

Former user wrote on 7/16/2013, 7:18 AM

i no its not the answer but its just for your sanity.

it will stop you from pulling out your hair trying to figure it out and for your peace of mind aswell.

i to am shocked they took this fetaure away.

i do not know why they have but i use music maker alot and very disapointed they removed this feature.


ps ,i have informed magix with several emails and asked why this was removed.

(as yet) still not recieved any messages back from magix.

i will update you IF i recieve any answers.

im very angry this isnt avaliable anymore on new magix products.

from alan.


from alan.


gandjcarr wrote on 7/16/2013, 7:48 AM


You can do this in audacity by setting all of your parameter, save it as a audacity project, then just import the new audio into the project and all settings will be applied.  You are using two applications to accomplish this but audacity is free and is a much better and more functional audio editor than the one in MEP.



rickstonemusic wrote on 7/16/2013, 3:59 PM


Thanks.  This is really about workflow.  I've had Samplitude Studio for 15 years and love it. That's what I've mixed my albums with and it's great.  If I want to do the audio outside of my video project, then that's what I use (I have Audacity too, but find it very confusing, and ProTools as well but it's slow as a turtle even on a i7 machine with a SSD and 16GB of RAM).

But the mixing capabilities in Movie Edit Pro are more than adequate for these instructional videos.  The goal here is to get the work done faster.  I've banged out 31 video lessons in the last three weeks and plan to have over 300 by the end of the year.  ANYTHING that wastes time or adds steps is going to keep me from reaching that goal.

~ Rick

gandjcarr wrote on 7/16/2013, 5:22 PM

Hi Rick,

I understand completely about workflow.  I have been editing audio and video for over 40 years now, and have yet to find any one program that does everything for me to make the flow the most effective.  I did try using Avid once and while it did provide a faster flow, the $1000 price tage and all of the high end hardware requirements made me think twice about saving time versus making the product affordable.  Fortunately for me when I tried the Avid product I was using a work computer that probably cost around $10k.  I can't afford a $10k computer and almost $1k in software for my business, otherwise, I could not afford to charge my clients a price that they would be willing to pay.


cpc000cpc wrote on 7/16/2013, 11:09 PM


You said "Thanks, I get it about saving the project, but that's not going to get the mixer settings from one movie to another within the project as I keep creating new movies."

You don't have to set up mixer setting more than once.

As I suggested, create a single movie project, make your mixer settings (ONCE ONLY), delete any clips/takes, and save this as say  'audio_blank.MVP'. If you repeatedly add this project to the current one you will get multiple identical mixer settings. At each addition you will be prompted to give a new name -- MEP will append numbers and then you can rename what you want. Here are three instances of the same project:

Perhaps my having renamed the three copies in my earlier screenshot gave the impression that I had to create new projects and do the mixer setting each time. I did check that each movie could have different settings if needed, but when first opened the settings will be identical ready for you to cut and paste across fromthe movie with your full set of objects.










rickstonemusic wrote on 7/19/2013, 2:21 PM


Aside from the price-tag, what where your feelings about Avid as compared with Movie Edit Pro (hardware required to run reasonably, etc.)? 

I ask because I purchased Pro-Tools and was VERY dissatisfied.  It's SO slow, I won't even use it.  I just stick to Samplitude (still using ver 6.0 without a dongle and it works great).  BTW, this is on a 3ghz i7 machine I built with ASUS MB, 16 GB RAM, a SS drive for booting and software and a 1TB Raid0 drive for working projects.

I could pickup Avid for about $289 at an educators discount, so the price-tag really isn't such an obstacle if it will actually work better (as opposed to me just throwing more money at software that I don't ultimately choose to use because it's too slow).


~ Rick