
ralftaro wrote on 3/11/2008, 11:33 AM
Since there's no possibility in Website Maker to integrate HTML code into the website and also no possibility to transfer files and directory structures via FTP, you won't be able to upload these web photo galleries to your Magix website. However, keep in mind that you don't necessarily require extra tools to present photos on your Magix website. It already has built-in and easy-to-use functionality to present photos and entire slide shows as part of your website. You should explore the possibilities of your Magix "Online Album", which you automatically own, at least in a basic version, after activating a Magix website service account. You can upload photos easily via the Online Media Manager and set up presentations. The album website can be linked to from your main website. Alternatively, in Website Maker's "Objects" panel under "My Media/Online Album" you can drag & drop entire albums that you have hosted in your Online Album into your website, which will result in the creation of an automatic slide show widget replaying all the photos contained in that album.