When I click the record button I get an error prompt: (Microsoft Sound Mapper- A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system.) I can hear the music from the internet so I guess the sound card is ok.
I cannot record from internet onto CL 16. When I click on Audio Input it is blank. There is nothing in "Audio Input" at Sound Card Settings. It is Blank.
I get a "Crash Guard" window when I click on Sound Card Settings in Audio Input window. The computer freezes with the following error prompt: (Failure in Module "Cleaning Lab.exe" at address 0x00870a1f Exception 0xc0000005 "ACCESS_VIOLATION"
C:\users\sandy\documents\Magix Audio Cleaning 16 deluxe\NEW.VP
I started having this problem when I converted this computer from windows xp to Windows 8.1. Have been working on this for about a week and half.
I am lost on this.