Hello, I'm about to buy Acid 8, and my concern is, before installing Acid 8, do I need to uninstalled Acid 7? and, all of my project in Acid 7 are going to work with 8 and still keeping the FX and plugins? Thank you.
You can keep both AP7 and 8, and can run them both at the same time, and can even open files in 8, and then again in 7 (as long as you don't save them in 8. Once you save in 8, you can't reopen them in 7).
All my 64bit plugins worked no problem. Some of my plugins were 32 bit only, and I just purchased jBridge to fix that problem, although it's taken me all day to get AP8 configured. All of my plugin settings all transferred over so everything sounded exactly the same when I opened my AP7 project in AP8, EXCEPT for my LexReverb VST's, which all reset themselves to 100%. Luckily it was a pretty easy fix for most projects.
Now that it is all set up and ready to go it definitely feels WAY MORE SOLID, and also sounds better? I might be imagining that part. I would definitely recommend getting AP8!
I installed instruments & loops from the help menu. I can insert the vst plugs but I can't seem to find the ACID Loops bundles anywhere in any folders. Could someone point me in the right direction? Cheers.