Thesis Question: Am I completely Cooked?
I'm having some issues with re-installing AP11, My error code is -2147163964
I've so far done all of these:
- Uninstall .NET framework and reinstall it
- Uninstall C++ 2015 - 2022 Redistributable both x86 and x64, I haven't modified 2013 or earlier yet
- Cleared All ACID Related Items out of the Registry, AppData Folder, Program Files across all Drives
- Updated Windows 11 (Unfortunately it still sucks if you haven't updated it yet)
- Cleared the MagixDownloads Folder under the documents folder
I did have an error code of -74, or -76 before I uninstalled AP whenever I tried to launch it so then, the perilous journey began. I am attaching a screen shot of my Realtime 15FPS POV of what all I got going on.