Inserting a Picture

fredericEagle wrote on 7/28/2021, 5:54 AM

Hello, I'm using Magix Maker 2014 and i can't insert a picture anymore on any track.

I could before but now, when i slide my picture from the desktop or any other folder on any track in MMM 2014, it doesn't want to do it, only a sign as "not allowed".

Is there any settings i have to change? I reset my settings already and I can add that I didn't changed any settings and using the same computer since the beginning.


Thank you


SP. wrote on 7/28/2021, 6:13 AM

@fredericEagle Does this only happen with pictures or with audio files, too?

If you run a software with administrator privileges Windows doesn't allow drag and drop for security reasons. So you need to run Music Maker with just a normal user privileges or use the file browser inside Music Maker.

fredericEagle wrote on 7/28/2021, 6:16 AM

Thank You. I uninstalled and reinstalled the .exe and now it works fine.
