
ralftaro wrote on 8/14/2009, 3:29 AM

The correct way to go about this depends on the current status of your account. The Website Maker accounts are currently in a transition process and your account may or may not have been migrated yet.

The old way of accomplishing what you're trying to do: Create a new album with all the desired audio or video files in the Online Album (which is basically the other side offered in your Magix online services account) through the Online Media Manager interface. In the Website Maker editor, you can access these items in the "Properties" panel under "My media" => "Online Album". Just drag & drop the entire album name from here into the editing screen. The player with all the items in it will be created. You can customize appearance and functionality via the "Properties" panel.

Under the new system, you can just create a player through the "Objects" panel under "Media player". After you have inserted the media player widget into the screen, you can then find your uploaded songs/videos and drag & drop them onto the player individually to add them to the play list one by one.

I hope this helps. As I said, if the second approach doesn't work for you yet, you will have to go with the first. If you have any further questions or problems with this particular procedure, you should contact Magix directly for help.

ralftaro wrote on 8/20/2009, 2:12 AM

As far as publishing a file for download in Website Maker goes, I'd recommend packing the file into an archive (e.g. ZIP or RAR) before uploading it. In this case, when you drag & drop the uploaded file into your site, it won't come up as a audio player widget, but will be represented by a little graphic icon. Your site's visitors can then click on that to download the file. Then they just need to unzip it again and voila!

Try WinRAR or WinZip, if you don't have a good compression program yet.

I hope this helps!