Hi. I have purchased SOUND FORGE Pro 16. I am running it as administrator. Running Windows 10 Home edition 64 bit. I want to "insert CD index" on a vaveform, but it is greyed out on the "insert" menu. Please help.
. . . . I want to "insert CD index" on a vaveform, but it is greyed out on the "insert" menu . . . .
A greyed out option usually indicates that you have not performed an action necessary for the option to be available.
If the audio file is one continuous object have CD Index markers been added to it to indicate the appropriate 'tracks, or if each audio is separate events is the Create CD tracks from events option available?
@Andrew-Hamm Like @johnebaker described, you probably want to create a CD track first instead of an index. Select a region and create a track, you can then insert a CD index or multiple. The idea of this is, that you can split a very long track into multiple parts.
Yes, thank you! That worked! I selected the whole recording, then create CD track, then I was able to insert CD index. Also gave me "burn disc at once" option, which had also been greyed out. I'm slowly finding out how to use Sound Forge"! Coool Edit 2000 did al I needed before, but, written for Windows 95, it refuses to run on Win 10.