Incomprehensible peaks on the record

adm13 wrote on 1/11/2022, 4:15 AM

When recording, incomprehensible peaks with very high amplitude and short sound time appear. When playing, they are not audible and are not displayed on the display. If you export this segment to a WAVE-file, the level returns to normal and there are no peaks.

Example video:


SP. wrote on 1/11/2022, 12:35 PM

@adm13 What's your hardware? Are the drivers up to date?

adm13 wrote on 1/12/2022, 1:24 AM


- Windows 10 Pro, 64-Bit
- Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7400 CPU @ 3.00GHz
- 16310 МБ

The M-Audio M-Track II sound card is used. Driver from 04/24/2013. I didn't find any fresh drivers.
I also found that this problem does not occur if you delete an existing record file in the project, but this is very inconvenient. Thus, this problem occurs when writing to an existing project (occurs at an arbitrary moment and can also disappear arbitrarily) and does not occur when writing to a new layout or with a missing recording file.

SP. wrote on 1/12/2022, 3:51 AM

@adm13 Try disabling all energy saving options in your Windows settings and set it to maximum performance. Maybe your Windows decreases the performance of your USB ports.

adm13 wrote on 1/13/2022, 7:36 AM

The system settings are set to maximum performance, the energy-saving mode is disabled. I also want to add that the problem also repeats on another PC without plug-ins installed with clean Windows 10 installed. A clean project is created, a record is made, the project is saved and the software is restarted. After opening the project and starting recording, the above problem occurs.

SP. wrote on 1/15/2022, 9:15 PM


the problem also repeats on another PC without plug-ins installed with clean Windows 10 installed

This could mean that it is a bug. I would suggest you contact technical support for Samplitude at

Graham-Hawker wrote on 1/16/2022, 4:51 AM

Could this be interference from something in the home getting into the audio signal.