In Website Maker MX is there any way to automatically re-direct to another site for Ipad / Iphone users ?

Neily wrote on 2/29/2012, 1:27 PM

With Ipad, iphone's being unable to view flash is there any way for a web site created in Website Maker to detect whether the person viewing the website is using an iphone / ipad and automatically redirect them to another site ?

This could be done by adding some html code to the Head section of the web page but I'm not sure how to do this in web maker, or even if it is at all possible.

Thanks for any help.   


yvon-robert wrote on 3/1/2012, 10:16 AM


Your web server has probably or offer free mobile function as example if you have site named you can create a sub web server name (Free) for mobile devices and redirect to a sub folder in your curerent web site like (M) as example . After this is impotant that you create content in M directory using MOV file to be compatible with all Apple device maximum size 400 x 300 or 640 x 360. You can do also with MP4 codec H.264 movies and use maximum 1280 x 720 for IPad and 640 x 360 for iPhone check my website this is in French but you have all info if you use a iPhone you enter automatically in if you use a computer you must paste the web address.
