In Region Export making name into format Track # Name in Audio Studio

Marty-Piccochi wrote on 4/25/2024, 2:53 PM

I just updated from Audio Studio 10 to Audio Studio 17 when I bought a new PC using Windows 11 . In version 10 I had the ability to extract into format Track # region name.mp3 now using region extract it uses the format Filename_track #_[region name]. See following Sample :

The Who Live At Shea Stadium 1982_01_[Substitute] .mp3, how do I change it to 01 Substitute.mp3 without renaming each file after extract.

Thanks, Marty


rraud wrote on 4/25/2024, 5:08 PM

Hi @Marty-Piccochi,
Are you referring to an "Extract Regions" tool? I am not familiar with the Sound Forge 'Audio Studio' versions prior to SFAS-12, but as far as I know, only Sound Forge Pro had the "Extract Regions" tool.

Marty-Piccochi wrote on 4/25/2024, 5:18 PM

Is there a way I can get this tool for Audio Studio 17, I believe when I added 12 years ago version 10 I had Sound Forge 9 and it was integrated into Audio Studio version 10. Can I integrate sound Pro 9 into version 17 ?

rraud wrote on 4/26/2024, 9:54 AM

Can I integrate sound Pro 9 into version 17 ?

No .. but you can have Sound Forge Pro 9 and/or other versions of Sound Forge installed and activated on the same PC without issue. I currently have SFP-10 thru 18 and SFAS 15 thru 17 on my Win 10 PC. All of which co-exist with problems.