
ralftaro wrote on 5/22/2009, 9:19 AM
Hi there,

Exactly how does the import of a MIDI file fail, if you e.g. try to do it via the MIDI file import option in the "File" menu? Seems to work fine for me when a load a standard *.MID file this way. With multi-channle MIDI files, you will be prompted whether you just want to import the entire file into one single Music Studio project track or whether you want each channel to become exactly one project track. Once that decision is made, the MIDI data will show up in your Music Studio arrangement and you can start working with it.

So, how does this fail for you? Is there any specific error message? Maybe you can verify again that the file you're trying to import or functional, standard MIDI files.

ralftaro wrote on 5/25/2009, 11:35 AM
Hi again,

I don't really see that you're doing anything wrong here. You don't have to set the track to MIDI before importing either. That is mostly for recording. The tracks will automatically adapt when you import the files. Maybe you could upload and post one of those files here. I could try to reconstruct the issue.