importing a video already on my computer into my magix6 video but no sound with it

timhargreaves wrote on 1/24/2013, 3:56 PM

I've a video from a skiing hols imported to my laptop from a disc.  Tried to import it from my files into magix project - the video goes across but not the sound?  I've left the disc at another property so can try it friom the disc


The file is savedswithin my windows picturs library - says its a VTS-01-01 VOB file whatever that may be.....


Any clues


cpc000cpc wrote on 1/24/2013, 6:41 PM


First problem -- you haven't said which Magix program you are using. I'd suspect they all would deal with material from DVD's about the same way but there may be differences. The usual method is to insert the DVD and the Magix program, say Movie Edit Pro, will prompt for a HD location and copy the all the video information (all the VOBs combined) there before bringing into the editor.

As you already have a VOB on your hard drive there are two suggestions: Rename the file from .VOB to .mpg as that is the actual file format for DVD content and try importing again. Secondly check under 'File' >> 'Program settings' >> 'Video/audio' tab that you have the option to automatically extract audio ticked.

VOB files are the rather special files that carry the video/audio information on a standard DVD. They all (but one or maybe two on a disc) are usually the same length of just over 1GB and bear no relationship to number of movies or of chapter on the disc. There are also .IFO and .BUP files which carry the data for the menus etc. To import just one (unless there is only one VOB file on the disc) may result if having a video clip that starts or ends at an odd place.



ADDED: Sorry didn't recognize Magix6 video as a program. Seems to be something at least eight years old.