I think that you have 1 Film which is divided into several Chapters. (All are on one Timeline)
To change orders of the chapters I think you have to make each chapter a separate Film. You have to split the movie at the chapter markers (you'll find it under the razorblade) ( I work with MX)
Moving the chapter markers won't do it, but it can be done. You'll have to select all the clips and etc in the chapter (click drag a rectangle around or [Ctrl] + click to add to the selection) and then drag the selection to the new position. In practice I'd group the objects after making the selection, zoom out to show a a lot of free space at the end of the timelines, move the group off to the right, and repeat for other chapters if needed. This makes it easier to reorder without getting stuck with a too small gap somewhere. Unfortunately chapter markers are time fixed and don't move with the group.
MEP 2013 has a 'move everything to the right' mouse mode that also be useful. Note you can enlarge the timelines to fill the window.
If you typically work with chapter you might try a workflow used by a friend of mine. He makes each chapter a separate movie and exports each at a suitable format. Then he imports all the chapter exports into a new project. Chapter markers can now be added automatically before doing the DVD menus and burning.
Both methods below will work - the only problem you may have with Carls method of grouping before moving is if the chapter marker is not at the junction of two clips, ie it is somewhere in the middle of a video clip.
You will then have to split the movie, as asoeli has said, at the chapter marker is before grouping the objects together.