I want to use MharmonizerMB in Pro X 7 with a vocal track and MIDI

Geoff-Milnes wrote on 5/30/2023, 6:03 PM

I want to use MharmonizerMB in Pro X 7 linked to a vocal track and using MIDI to create a multi-harmony but cannot find any way of doing this. Will this work please (or not) and if not, are there any harmonizers which will? There are demos of this software working brilliantly but none mention Samplitude. I have been using Magix products in general and Samplitude in particular for some years now and get on really well with them therefore I don't want to have to change to other software JUST to create the harmonies I have heard created with MHarmonizerMB.

I am using Windows 10 v 22H2 with Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9400F CPU @ 2.90GHz   2.90 GHz and 16Gb RAM.

I really would very much appreciate help with this.



SP. wrote on 5/31/2023, 2:44 AM

@Geoff-Milnes Put MharmonizerMB and your audio recording on the first track.Put your MIDI chords on the second track and select MharmonizerMB as the Out/VSTi. This works for me.

You can also create harmonies inside Samplitude with the Elastic Audio editor. Watch this video starting at around 2m15s.

Geoff-Milnes wrote on 6/9/2023, 7:09 AM

Hi SP,

Many thanks for the info and I apologise for this late reply but been away for a few days and only just had the opportunity to fully go through your suggestion.
I have still been unable to get this work and wondered if there were any setting within the MHarmonizer plug-in which required change. If you could send a screen grab of the settings on yours I really would be grateful - sorry to be a pain!!

I intend to go through the other suggestion you made this weekend now that I have a lttle more time.

Many thanks again, really appreciated
