
Luberon wrote on 3/1/2012, 3:15 PM


You have to use : Restore Points

Click on Start (Flag Windows on the left corner)

Select : All programs, Accessories, System Tools and System Restore

Panel : Restore System Files and settings ---> next

Panel : Restore you computer to the state it was in before the selected event

Check : Show more Restore Points and choose a date with Column Type : Backup

I think you'll have the chance to get a good old version with the entire Project.

My advice about Projects :

Use a single folder (for every specific Project) to save your all files audio, video, pictures... if you have to move your Project it won't miss a file.

Save too your project inside, for example : Project00 and a every important step : save as Project01, save as Project02... Projects aren't big files.

I hope that your recovery will be successful.

Good Luck.


Luberon wrote on 3/4/2012, 10:50 AM


Maybe you can try something easier with BACKUP of MEP 17 (Default Options).

In the Menu Bar Click on the Gears (Program Setting) :

Projects ---> C:\Users\Standard User\Documents\MAGIX_Movie_Edit_Pro_MX_Premium

Inside this folder you can find more than one Project saved

MyProject 00_BAK0.MV_

MyProject 00_BAK1.MV_

You can READ or OPEN these files with MEP 17 to get them in the Time Line.

I hope you'll find a good version.

