I have both NTSC and PAL on my master disc. Why?

Former user wrote on 12/31/2012, 2:24 PM

I have an 18-minute master disc, created partially with MEP16. I edited the clips together on Windows Movie Maker then I added a six-chapter menu with Magix. The disc plays well on my computer and on my new TV and DVD player. On some machines it does not play though. I get a message, "Not NTSC."

I downloaded MediaInfo and on the tree tab checked out the disc. I saw both NTSC and PAL. For example:

Video_TS\VIDEO_TS.IFO Standard:NTSC; and on TS.BUP Standard:NTSC

But on VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_0.IFO Standard PAL; and VTS_01_0.BUP Standard: PAL

Could this combination of NTSC and PAL have something to do with the problem I'm having? Is it possible that when creating the Menu with Magix that I used PAL settings instead of NTSC? 


gandjcarr wrote on 12/31/2012, 6:36 PM


Are your movie settings and program settings both set to NTSC or is one NTSC and the other Pal/


Former user wrote on 1/1/2013, 8:42 AM

My movie settings and program settings in MEP16 are both NTSC. But I noticed this in - Video Setting: NTSC 16:9 (720 x 480; 29.97 fps). My movie is set to the aspect ratio of 4:3. When I started to edit it with Magix I got the option of converting it to 16:9 but I didn't click on that option.

In general would it be better if I converted the master disc to 16:9? I like the master I now have and feel if I make just a few tweaks, everything will be OK.

gandjcarr wrote on 1/1/2013, 12:20 PM


If your source material is 4:3 that is what you should use.