First, I saw the update notice and did so. Thanks for posting that.
With one exception, the list of fixes doesn't contain what I have which needs fixing. In the Title dialog window, I was getting wrong colors; e.g., green in the dialog window and yellow in the MEP monitor. With the update, so far, so good.
The problems I'm having are mostly in the Title window. I can't manually change the font size or the title length and have it "stick." If I manage to put in, for example, title length of 3 seconds (default is 5), it might remain that way for a couple of seconds, then revert to 5. (I can use the up and down arrows, but it's in tenths, and it's tedious to change one tenth at a time (20 clicks). I'm getting around it by using the mouse to reduce the width of the text.
Similar with the font size. I can never get what I want with the vertical sliding scale, and the same thing happens when I enter a number manually as with the title length. I'm resizing directly on the monitor window with the mouse.
Also in the Title window is the Border width for an Outline. The default is 2. If I change it, more or less, the border becomes hairline width, and won't change from that. (I don't have this problem with Shadow or 3D effects, only Outline.)
However, I've been working on videos which I began in MEP 2 versions ago. I just tried this with a new video, and this one seems to work. I was also able to manually change the title length. Maybe this is why tech support can't "replicate" them. But the font size is still problematic.
I'm also finding the Mercalli functions useless, both V. 2 and 4. When I export video (to mpg/DVD setting), the scenes to which I applied Mercalli vibrate. Sometimes this happens with MEP video stabilizer. I'll undo and lessen the effect, but if the exported scene vibrated with the stronger stabilizer effect, it will still do so.
And tonight for the first time, when I open the MEP image stabilizer, I can't change the size/shape of the white outline in the image window. This is in a newly created project as well as a previous one.
Under the video effects of brightness, contrast and color ... it won't accept all the numbers I put in, either with the slider or manually. In fact, for example, if I enter or slide to 9, it changes to 8. This is really bad with the Red, Green and Blue and Saturation selection control numbers, because often a single number change makes a difference. For all 3 colors, they go from 50 to 48 to 45 - 42 - 40 - 39 - 37 - 34, etc. Same with a newly created project.
I just want to know if anyone else is having similar issues.
On the positive side, I'm finding the new HDR exposure controls very helpful, as well as being able to increase the length between letters in the Title window.