I can't open stock videos I've downloaded, can someone please help me?

kimsims214 wrote on 10/28/2012, 6:49 AM

I've downloaded several videos from Video Block to use in my work. However once I try to insert them in videos they won't open. Actually 1 does open. But that's out of almost 80 videos clips. I get error messages about make sure its not write protected, etc. I contacted Video Block and they did all on their end. 

One message I also get is;activate codecs. I watched the tutorial several times and its not helping. Can someone please explain in detail slowly what I need to do? I would truly appreciate it!!

Thank you!



gandjcarr wrote on 10/28/2012, 7:46 AM


I am an avid Video Blocks user, and I did have that problem some time ago.  You need to remember that most clips from Video Blocks download as Quicktime files and many are very high resolution which produces very large files.

You need to make sure that you have the current version of Quicktime and this problem should go away.  At least it did for me.

Try this link to download Quicktime for Windows http://support.apple.com/kb/DL837 and let us know if this solves the problem.

Good Luck

kimsims214 wrote on 10/28/2012, 8:04 AM

Thank you SOOO very much! I'mgoing to do that asap!! I'll keep you posted! YAY!!!

kimsims214 wrote on 10/28/2012, 9:02 AM

YAY!!!!!!!!!! IT WORKED!!! THANK YOU AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

