I am using Movie Studio 2022

---9736 wrote on 3/16/2025, 5:49 AM

Please help me solve the problem


My name is Kunihiko Suzuki.




movie studio 2022を使用しています。




今まではWindows10で、movie studio 2022を使用していましたが、作業効率が悪くて、新しいPC(Windows11)に買い換えました。


I have a question about editing videos taken with a video camera.

I am using Movie Studio 2022.

I collect images from a Sony Handycam (video camera), DJI drone, and GoPro, convert the 4K images to m2ts, and save them on my PC.

I then use Sony's Playmemories software to export them to an AVCHD-type Handycam.

I save the data from the Handycam to the HDD of a Blu-ray recorder and edit the titles, etc.

Until now, I have been using Movie Studio 2022 on Windows 10, but the work efficiency was poor, so I replaced it with a new PC (Windows 11).






Since I upgraded my PC to Windows 11, I can no longer export using playmemories.




movie studio 2022は4Kデータを変種したら、「ムービーを書き出し」でAVCHD、mt2sに変換しています。


After converting 4K data in Movie Studio 2022, you can convert it to AVCHD or mt2s by using the "Export Movie" option.



Images created on an old Windows 10 PC



Image being created on a new PC with Windows 11




Is there any problem with the setup?


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