My compuer Spec is:
Windows 7
Processer/ Intel(CR)Cor(TM) i7CPU 980 @3.33GHz 3.33GHz
Ram 24.0 GB
Main Memory/ 2TB
Sound Card M Audio
Graphics Card/ NVIDIA GeForce 8400GS
I normally use about 8 Tracks.
Before rendering the playback is very jerky and stops and starts, drives me mad can't really see what you have created.
I am thinking of upgrading this software to the latest Magix Pro X if this would make a difference.
Is there a big difference between the two Edit Pro 2013 and Magix Pro X. Is there someone out there who is uisng The larest Magix Pro x who could advize me please it would be helpfull.
If all else fails I even might consider going over to Mac with Final Cut Pro
Michael Blount