How to setup chapter loops using Magic Movcie Edit Pro 16 Plus

Land051901 wrote on 9/14/2010, 9:35 AM

My question is simple.  I have a movie that is several chapters long.  All I want to do is to set the last chapter to loop back to the first chapter to form an endless play loop.  The previous versions had a simple menu option which was available by right clicking on the menu properties from the "Burn" menu.  It's not there on 16 Plus.



Thanks !


john-auvil wrote on 9/14/2010, 10:21 AM

Do you need to have individual chapters?


The reason I am asking if you are having a endless loop, are you needing the ability to just to a chapter or do you want this to just have the movie play as a endless loop?

john-auvil wrote on 9/14/2010, 10:38 AM

Actually for what you want, I do not think you can have a endless loop with markers, you would need to delete all the markers but the first one in the Edit (Time-Line) Mode. From there you then go to the Burn Mode, right click on the image for the chapter display, then use the dialog there to setup the endless loop.