First you cannot remove just the lyrics of a song, if by that you mean remove only the "words" and leave everything else intact! If you mean the words and the singer, this may be at least partially successful but it depends upon three facts:
You will need the track to be a stereo .wav file, not an .mp3. And the "singer" needs to be placed in the centre of the stereo image.
The process involves removing/masking what is, most commonly for vocal recordings, the "centre" of the stereo image. Unfortunately, this "centre" is likely also to contain instruments like, amongst many others, a bass guitar and bass drum, which will, therefore, also be removed or at least reduced in level.
Most, if not all, vocal recordings will include some level of reverb, which will almost certainly NOT be restricted to that centre of the stereo image. Thus it will not be removed and you will be left with a "ghost" effect on the final outcome.
There is dedicated (and sometimes expensive) software that can help to reduce the level of anything placed in the centre of the stereo image. Something like iZotope RX9 has that ability but it is very expensive.
Other posters to this forum have mentioned software that can "split" the musical content of a recorded track into its constituent elements. I have no experience of any of these programs so cannot offer an opinion on how successfully they would enable you to do what you are wanting to do.
But it is highly UNlikely you will find anything that will work within Music Maker, sorry.
One other thought: what is the source of the song? Strictly speaking, it could be considered an infringement of copyright for you to make any change of the sort you are envisaging.
Hit 'n Mix DeepRemix is much cheaper than iZotope RX9 and creates better results. You can download a 5 day free trial version here It can split songs into different parts like vocals, bass and drums.
There are also free programs to split vocals from songs like SpleeterGUI. But the results don't sound as nice as what RX9 or DeepRemix can do.