How to record live PC stream (what you hear) using Sound Forge Pro 11?

Ben1717 wrote on 3/23/2025, 1:23 PM

Just changed PC (both HP) and while I had been recording for years live PC stream using Sound Forge Pro 11 with my old PC, I have a problem when trying to do so with the new one.

When I arm or start the recording, the sound is instantly altered with a strong "echo" or "reverb" sound that makes it totally unusable.

I use Windows 11 and a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 USB device and have tried changing parameters and audio options multiple times in SF11 but nothing works.

Any idea how to fix this? Thanks


SP. wrote on 3/23/2025, 2:16 PM

@Ben1717 Have you tried disabling the monitoring checkbox in the recording dialog?

john_barr wrote on 3/23/2025, 3:26 PM


What you hear - Do following:

Right click on the Volume Icon in the Taskbar - Sound Settings - More Sound Settings - Recording - right click on the blank area of the tab - Show Disabled Settings - if there is an option for Stereo Mix at this time, then you can Enable this option - Set stereo mix as Default - double click on stereo mix - go to "Listen" tab - tick "Listen to this device" - select default playback device - Save


rraud wrote on 3/24/2025, 9:52 AM

As @SP. stated, disabling Monitor in the 'View> Record options' window stops the run-a-way looping.