I'm used to composing music using the Yamaha QY100, this allows you to set patterns up, eg: "Intro" "Main A" "Main B" "Fill AB" "Fill BA" and "Ending". I can set the Intro to 4 bars, select my instrument, lets say drums, press record, i would get a count in and then the 4 bars would loop endlessly from bars 1 to 4 until i pressed stop. I could then put the bass drum, snare, hi-hat all on one track in pattern "Intro" and it would never stray outside of those 4 bars, i would then do 8 bars say in "Main A" etc, i then went to "Song Mode" and then put "Intro" first then "Main A" then "Fill AB" then onto "Main B" etc etc and built the whole song like that. I find recording with this Music Maker that I record it live but only one thing at a time, i then have to cut the bars to try and make a loop, there doesn't seem to be a way of overdubbing on the Bass drum track for example to put hi-hats down. (i know in the BeatBox 2 you can set a drum pattern like that but thats not playing it live) Does anyone know how to set some markers for recording so i can record the same way as i used to on the Yamaha QY100? Thank you to anyone who is able to help me. I'm overall impressed with this software and would love to embrace PC based recording, but from what i have found it's easier on old tech!