Unless Photostory Deluxe can export something like HTML5 files, what you have termed the "embedded code" (which I strongly suspect it can't) you will need to export your project in a format that any video/media player which can be included in your site can read. So, first, what video/media player is or can be used in your website and second, what file formats can the player handle?
With that information we may be able to offer additional help and advice to you.
By the way, I see you have posted this same question in another thread. Please do not create duplicate threads; it becomes very difficult for users wishing to help you to keep fully up to date with all the information.
As a result of the duplication I have locked the other thread so that all answers will appear here.
Thanks,Jeff, I have Windows media player , downloaded in HD 720 ,but its playing in pop up window and I can not integrate into the web page. Second problem: friends with Mac complain ,that they need download first and its take time and effort. Which way I go? Thanks!
You have Windows Media Player on your computer, but not all users do, as evidenced by those Mac users who cannot easily view your slideshow. What you need is a suitable viewer on your website, not on your computer if you want your site visitors to be able to View your slideshow rather than downloading it first. You need to ask your web site host what facilities they offer to install a viewer on your site. Once you know that, you need to find out what sort of files it can play and then ensure you export your slideshow in that format.
An "easier" alternative, perhaps, is to use a "video hosting" site, like YouTube or similar, to host your video files and provide a link to that host on your web site.
What you are attempting to do is not easy or straightforward, unfortunately. You may need to spend some time in detailed discussion with your web hosting service in order to resolve this. My feeling is that uploading your video to something like YouTube and then creating a link on your site will be much easier for you.
. . . . How I can publish my slideshow photostory delux on my website and where I can get embedded code to do this?Help me out please. . . .
We need more information:
Who is hosting the website?
How are you creating the site:
- using the web hosting sites own website creator to create the website. OR - software on your PC and then uploading to the web host - in which case what is the name of the software?
What format video are you exporting from Photostory and which options in the export are you selecting?
You have Windows Media Player on your computer, but not all users do, as evidenced by those Mac users who cannot easily view your slideshow. What you need is a suitable viewer on your website, not on your computer if you want your site visitors to be able to View your slideshow rather than downloading it first. You need to ask your web site host what facilities they offer to install a viewer on your site. Once you know that, you need to find out what sort of files it can play and then ensure you export your slideshow in that format.
An "easier" alternative, perhaps, is to use a "video hosting" site, like YouTube or similar, to host your video files and provide a link to that host on your web site.
What you are attempting to do is not easy or straightforward, unfortunately. You may need to spend some time in detailed discussion with your web hosting service in order to resolve this. My feeling is that uploading your video to something like YouTube and then creating a link on your site will be much easier for you.
Thank you!.I asked my host ,but the answer was- contact web developer ! So, no long discussion at all. My web in Expression 4 and only offer Windows media player. Also I NEED to keep my video on my website .May be I can download windows media player for Mac and put it on second page?
. . . . How I can publish my slideshow photostory delux on my website and where I can get embedded code to do this?Help me out please. . . .
We need more information:
Who is hosting the website?
How are you creating the site:
- using the web hosting sites own website creator to create the website. OR - software on your PC and then uploading to the web host - in which case what is the name of the software?
What format video are you exporting from Photostory and which options in the export are you selecting?
John EB
I have Expression 4 website ,with only option Windows media player.
. . . . I have Expression 4 website ,with only option Windows media player. . . . .
I presume this is the answer to my 2nd question?
Help with Expression 4 program, is beyond the scope of this forum, however, AFAICS, the software does support mp4 files.
In Photostory export as mp4 video - this is the format you require for maximum compatibility on various viewing devices. There are several mp4 web options to select from see below:
Photostory will also create a web HTML page however as you are using Expression these parts should not be required - you need the video file.
I would suggest you read the Expression manual if there is one on how to get the mp4 video files into your web page(s). You may need to install Apple Quicktime for mp4 support
There is also a forum here which may also help with the issues you have with Expression.