how to mix rsolutions

promytius1 wrote on 6/1/2013, 8:23 PM

I am trying to use mulit-layering with chroma key effects and other effects; when I try to place this one clip in it will not size properly, it shows black lines on each size. I think I saw a suggestions here somewhere about a similar problem, but can't find it. I tried reprocessing the clip in different sizes, but for some reason... those bands are there.



cpc000cpc wrote on 6/1/2013, 11:42 PM


You can easily mix resolutions or sizes, eg 1920 x 1080 and 960 x 540, but what you're describing is mixing aspect ratios eg 4:3 and 16:9. To avoid side bars or letter boxing you will have to do cropping or sectioning. Here's an example:

Note the 16:9 aspect ratio has been chosen to crop the 4:3 original to match the full HD background and the 'Fill screen' is ticked. Below is a quick result with chroma key applied to the jumping dogs:




promytius1 wrote on 6/2/2013, 9:40 AM

Thanks for that explanation, but it was too brief to be of help. I have seen those orange squares and dotted lines before but they never seem to DO anything and they even stay on screen after moving them - the only way I get them to go away is to undo, so I didn't get that part, and your pix were so small and pixilated I could not read them. Thanks for trying, I really appreciate the effort. I will go back to the manual and see if I can exand on your explanation - thanks for pointing the direction.

cpc000cpc wrote on 6/2/2013, 7:07 PM


The lines and dots stay until you hit the 'Preview' button or exit the effects tab. There are circumstance when they don't seem to do anything eg if you specify 'Keep proportions' and then try and change them by dragging in one side.

Did you click on the images? They zoom up to nearly their original size section as on my 1920 x 1200 monitor.

A two step option that might be easier in the long run would be to do the crop/zoom on the foreground clip, export it at a resolution to match your background, and then use this enlarged version in your project.



promytius1 wrote on 6/3/2013, 9:27 AM
The lines and dots stay until you hit the 'Preview' button or exit the effects tab. There are circumstance when they don't seem to do anything eg if you specify 'Keep proportions' and then try and change them by dragging in one side.

      >Thanks - I'm sure that is what was happening.

Did you click on the images? They zoom up to nearly their original size section as on my 1920 x 1200 monitor.

     >Click them? No! I NEVER would have even considered that! Wow, thanks.

A two step option that might be easier in the long run would be to do the crop/zoom on the foreground clip, export it at a resolution to match your background, and then use this enlarged version in your project.

     >This was my work-around - I resize everything to the output size as mpgs, then put them together in the project to work on. Knowing how to adjust on the fly is nice, but there are many things about this program that I do not "get" - like why some things are ONLY keyboard commands; however, I really enjoy working in this program and the results you can get. I have 2013 Premium Music and Movie makers.

     >Thank you, Carl!

promytius1 wrote on 6/3/2013, 9:32 AM

p.s. to Carl

Now that you told me how to see your images in full size, I see that what you suggested is the opposite of what I wanted, but still explains the technique. The image of the men would be the one I want to preserve, and the image of the dogs the one I want to remove the black side bars from. Your technique combines the two layers and resizes them to the dogs. I wish to keep the background as is and expand the foreground (the dogs) to fit - the images are abstract so the relative size is not important in this instance. However I do see the usefullness of your example and it was very helpful in understanding the process. Thanks.