How to I shorten the length of a song, whereby when I play it back, my media player stops playing (silence) at the NEW "end" of the song (as per where I shortened it)???

JETS121969 wrote on 12/7/2010, 10:22 PM

I've figured out how to shorten a song, but when I export the song into a folder on my pc, it still shows up as being the same length as the original unedited song. And when I playback the song, my media player continues playing, but there is dead silence. How can I TRULY cut the length of a song, so that when i want it to stop, it does so, whereby my media player immediately moves onto the next song in my playlist???"


Procyon wrote on 12/7/2010, 11:17 PM

When you shortened the arrangement, did you also adjust the start/end marker at the top of the arranger?  This determines where the arrangement actually starts and stops.  If you double-click on either the start or end marker, they will automatically adjust themselves to the exact beginning and end of your arramngement.

JETS121969 wrote on 12/8/2010, 7:44 AM