How to I do a voiceover

GABRIEL-CWB wrote on 5/6/2020, 9:39 AM

Hi guys,

So, I have Sound Forge 12. I´m going to receive a video file of a lecture in language A and I have to do a voiceover in language B.

So I want to listen/watch the video and do my voiceover with my microphone into Sound Forge. I would also like to be able to see the waveform of the original video as I record so it´s easier to stop, start and redo parts I´m not satisfied with.

I only need to record the audio (any editing will be done by the technicians), I will not touch the original video file.

So, how do I do that? In a test file I opened up, when I record, my audio gets inserted in the same waveform as the original video, after it. I don´t want that, I just want to record a separate file, and waveform, below the original.

P.S the guy who hired me said it´s easy to do this in Audition.






rraud wrote on 5/6/2020, 10:34 AM

Hi @GABRIEL-CWB and welcome to the Sound Forge forum.

SF is a multi-Channel editing app, not to be confused with multi-Track, so it is not a the best app for 'overdubing' (old school term for recording new audio whilst listening to a pre-recorded track. I would use Vegas or other DAW application that supports video preview. You could also listen to the pre-recorded file in SF and record to a stand-alone recorder, then import the audio track for precise editing in a DAW if needed. For playing back and simultaneously recording to the same PC usually requires a soundcard or interface with ASIO option.



GABRIEL-CWB wrote on 5/6/2020, 11:03 AM

Helo Rraud and thanks for the reply.


SF is a multi-Channel editing app, not to be confused with multi-Track


I heard something like this. But as I only was going to record on one track, and "listen" to another, I thought maybe there was some in-app way of doing this in SF.

Anyhow, I have VP17 which I really like and understand way more (though know very little insofar about the more advanced audio options) and I suppose I could give it a try.

I just saw the record option. Going to try it out later.


emmrecs wrote on 5/6/2020, 11:05 AM


the guy who hired me said it´s easy to do this in Audition

I would have to agree! But Audition is an altogether much more complex piece of software than SF Pro. And, just in case you aren't aware, it is subscription only!


Win 11 Pro 64 bit, Intel i7 14700, 32 GB RAM, NVidia RTX 4060 and Intel UHD770 Graphics, Audient EVO 16 audio interface, VPX, MEP, Music Maker, Vegas Pro, PhotoStory Deluxe, Photo Manager Deluxe, Xara 3D Maker 7, Samplitude Pro X7 Suite, Reaper, Adobe Audition 3, CS6 and CC, 2 x Canon HG10 cameras, 1 x Canon EOS 600D, Akaso EK7000 Pro Action Cam

rraud wrote on 5/6/2020, 11:41 AM

VP should work.. An ASIO device driver is recommended for overdubbing.

btw, save your work in the PCM format <.wav>.. 48kHz is the standard for video work.

As Jeff stated, Adobe Audition (formally Syntrillium Cool Edit Pro) is a subscription app.
FWIW, I tried CEP way-back-when and did not like it, That was around the same time (audio-only) Vegas was published. Vegas was much more intuitive.

GABRIEL-CWB wrote on 5/6/2020, 4:47 PM


the guy who hired me said it´s easy to do this in Audition

I would have to agree! But Audition is an altogether much more complex piece of software than SF Pro. And, just in case you aren't aware, it is subscription only!


Well, he didn´t say it was easy but he said it was a standard kind of thing. Easy for those who know I guess.


Anyhow it worked in Vegas. I put the video the guy sent me via Whatsapp on the Vegas timeline and was able to hear it through my headphones hooked into my interface at the same time as I heard my voice with no latency through the same headphones. It worked really well and didn´t confuse me, I suppose being an Interpreter helps.

I then added a second audio track, enabled "Arm" in the hamburger menu, and recorded pressing "record" on the taskbar.

After a while, the hardest part was pressing record and enter at the same time (to play the reference video). Maybe there is some easier way to do that.

There are some other features like takes and whatnot but at the moment that is just TMI. I may figure that out later. For a 50 second demo, it was good enough as I aimed for one take. For a longer gig, some of these other features might be necessary. But if we get the job I´ll try and figure that out.



rraud wrote on 5/6/2020, 5:35 PM
After a while, the hardest part was pressing record and enter at the same time (to play the reference video). Maybe there is some easier way to do that.

In VP, create a new audio track and place the cursor where you wish to begin on the timeline. Put the new audio track in the Record ready mode (Arm for record). Select the keyboard shortcut 'Ctrl+R' to initiate recording and playback.