How to get rid of double, triple,... display of VST instruments?

jan99 wrote on 7/3/2021, 7:02 AM

Hi everybody,

I'm using Samplitude Music Studio 64-bit ( Because it did not handle my old 32-bit VST's anymore, I installed JBridge. It proved a perfect solution and 100% stable.
Just one problem: I somehow managed to get quite some bridged instruments displayed double, triple or even more in the VST-overview, resulting in a bit of a chaos(...) (see screenshot). Changing or otherwise manipulating my VST-directories does not seem to help. Is there an easy way to clean this list up (without having to re-bridge or even re-install all my beloved (and free) 3d party 32-bit VST's)??


SP. wrote on 7/3/2021, 7:20 AM

@jan99 Have you checked inside the VST folders how many DLL files jBridge created? I would recommend to not put the jBridge DLLs into the same folders as the old DLLs. I would also exclude the old DLLs from the VST path. But usually your old 32 bit plugins should work fine in Music Studio. I'm not sure why they just stopped working.

jan99 wrote on 7/3/2021, 8:29 AM

@SP. Tnx for answering! Yes I did check the .dll-files: JBridge creates just one new .dll, apart from the original. I've put them all in a new specified 'bridged' folder (as is JBridge's recommendation) . And the old 32bit-directory is excluded from the VST-path. I even deleted one 32bit-VST instrument altogether (both from bridged and original folder)....but it's still on the list, although of course not working anymore.
I got the idea it's more about the way MusicStudio builds it's VST-display-menu (no 'reality-check'...). But of course I could be wrong...wouldn't be the first time 😉
Apart from several double installed VST's (VST3 together with VST2-versions of an instrument...), the solution COULD be that JBridge seems to use (and display) both the original .dll and the bridged one. When de-selecting the bridging-directory and selecting the original 32bit VST-folder in the VST-settings...problem seems to be setlled, as far as bridged VST's are concerned! Still can't believe it...

SP. wrote on 7/3/2021, 9:39 AM

@jan99 I believe Music Studio saves its VST settings in files like VstPlugins_x64.ini and VstPlugins.0 in the "Templates and Effects"-folder under C:\ProgramData\MAGIX\Samplitude Music Studio\ (if you didn't change the default settings during the installation). You can edit the files in a text editor of your choice. If you delete them everything should be reset to its default settings.

jan99 wrote on 7/3/2021, 12:20 PM

@SP. True: I found the settings in that directory. The separate JBridge-directory however is not included anymore (as its no longer part of the folders MusicStudio scans). Still all the bridged 32-bits VST's do their job properly from their 'root' folder (including the JBridge-logo!). I am starting to suppose, it's not necessary to include the JBridge folder within the VST-folder list scanned by MusicStudio.... So the problem seems to be solved in a rather unexpected way?