I just want to make sure I understand how you are editing...
Loading in a single video clip, then you add a two cuts, which now gives you three objects, and you delete the center object, it leaves a blank space... Is that what is happening?
Thanks for your efforts, and sorry I'm not making it clear.
I take clip #1, and let's say I trim the last 5 seconds of it. Then I trim 3 seconds from the beginning of clip #2, and put the two together. Instead of a clean cut, I have 8 seconds of black space between clips, and I haven't succeeded in getting rid of it
Thanks for your efforts, and sorry I'm not making it clear.
I take clip #1, and let's say I trim the last 5 seconds of it. Then I trim 3 seconds from the beginning of clip #2, and put the two together. Instead of a clean cut, I have 8 seconds of black space between clips, and I haven't succeeded in getting rid of it
How do you do that? By dragging them together? Or by using John's suggestion? Either way, I'm having trouble understanding how they can be 'put together' and yet still 'have 8 seconds of black'!